Three-day course: Nanometer CMOS ICs
General info
*** This course starts 8.30 and ends about 17.30 (sometimes even 18.00). It includes a few exercises during the day, but no final examination. At the end of the course, the participants will get an official certificate.
*** This course is meant as a comprehensive tutorial on selected subjects of state-of-the-art CMOS ICs for engineers working in R&D centres of semiconductor lithography and fabrication houses (e.g. ASML, Applied Materials, TSMC, Global Foundries, Samsung, Micron technology, etc.).
*** The objectives of this course are:
- To get familiar with the most frequently used semiconductor terminology.
- To provide the basic knowledge and understanding of the complete development process of a chip
- The course will enable the participants to better communicate with their technical colleagues in the field and with suppliers and customers.
- It will place the participants’ own job in a much better perspective and it will broaden their horizons.
- Eventually, it will support the participants’ motivation, als they can better understand and identify their own contribution to the total chip development process.
The electronics (r)evolution. What is a chip. Basic concepts, definitions and terminology. Introductory overview of development of a chip: from design to application.
Wafers and transistors
Substrates, wafers, basic transistor operation, CMOS
Complete overview of stat-of-the-art lithography topics and tools (incl. multi patterning. EUV, etc.), all in relation with design and CMOS process
Gradual introduction into the various layers and process steps from which a chip is built: from a basic 5 mask 1970 process, through advanced FinFET procecesses to gate-all-around and nanosheet/nanoribbon/nanowire transistors.
Memory types, basic architecture of the most important memories and memory cells:
SRAMs, DRAMS, EPROMS and flash memories, with a focus on multi-level and multi-layer 3-D NAND flash memories.
Basic understanding of transistor layout, basic design methods, libraries and library cells, design complexity in relation with lithography and process issues.
Testing, yield, failure analysis
Basic chip tests. Test complexity. Yield an yield model. Random and systematic yield loss.
Desigh for manufacturability and relation with lythography.
Physical, electrical and thermal characteristics of packages. Influence of package on system size. 3-D packages.
What’s next?
Roadblocks for further scaling. End of Moore’s law. Time to market and cost (design, litho and fab cost). Combining microelectronics with micro and nano and bio-technology (MEMS, Bio-chips, etc.) to create real systems.
The course includes a copy of the book: “Nanometer CMOS ICs; edition 2017”